Start Again

In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities,
in the expert’s mind there are few.
— Shunryu Suzuki

“Start again. Start again.” That’s how my meditation teacher began each subsequent group sit after my first introduction to Vipassana (Insight) meditation in 2008. Since then I have been learning to live into that gentle instruction, “Start again. Start again.”

No matter what I am doing, or how ingrained the habit, I am always doing it for the first time. I can choose one of two ways to approach it: mindlessly or mindfully. When I bring my full awareness to the present moment I realize that no two moments are ever the same.

I can live either by rote or by choice, with a closed mind or an open one. I can choose to limit myself or be humble enough to explore possibilities.

Zen Buddhists call it “beginner’s mind.” Could it also be the mind of Christ?

As you bring your mind to this present moment what possibilities do you see?

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